Sonic Wonder
Inspiration from Laurie Spiegel
Computer music synth pioneer and composer and more
Oct 25, 2020
Laurie Spiegel is an artist & composer, creating software tools to make music. I found her music through this album which she composed at Bell Labs in the 70s. Cue it up and e x p a n d 😌
I love the aspect of making creative tools to make creative things. Here, Spiegel programs processes to inform her compositions. And the results are aesthetically wonderful.
✨ Quick links ✨
- Laurie Spiegel Wikipedia
- One of her well known software tools is Music Mouse. Reading the Wikipedia I was so curious to explore this tool. Tero Parviainen made a web version! “With her kind permission and guidance.” That’s awesome.
- Her website is incredible. It’s refreshing and unique and kind of whimsical too.
- Link to her writings on the website. Bookmarked💡 ⚡️